CoachCom Final Event: Coaching Business Innovation
29 Nov 2016
Location : Geneva, Switzerland
Representatives of the European Commission and the regions will share and discuss needs and opportunities in designing and operating regional systems for coaching business innovation in SMEs.
The regional experience gathered around SME coaching provided the foundation for the coaching scheme initiated by the H2020 SME Instrument (SMEi). Two years later, this work has developed a professional and scalable coaching scheme which has been tried, tested and validated across Europe, with coaching services supplied to more than 1300 SMEs.
The CoachCom2020 final event offers an opportunity to discover the professional coaching system developed as part of the SME Instrument programme and to get a 360° view on innovation support for SMEs from the European Commission and EASME as well as from various regional and national authorities. Furthermore, this event will provide a forum for interested regions to explore synergies with the European Commission in terms of a comprehensive approach to innovation support for small business.

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