TII Brussels Group meeting
22 Oct 2010
Location : Brussels
If involvement in EC calls for proposals is one of your main activities, then please consider attending the TII Brussels Group meetings to receive quality briefings and to network with potential partners.
Part of the agenda of the next meeting will focus on the current FP7 schedule following the 51 calls on 20 July and will take a close look at open/upcoming calls for proposals. In addition we will discuss the recent Impact Assessment of SME participation in FP5/FP6. You can find a detailed agenda as well as the latest issue of FP7 deadlines at the top of this page and you may register for the meeting via the on-line facility which is just under the two documents.
m-Brussels Village, 44 rue des Palais, B-1040 Brussels. Click here to see how to get there.
As has become the custom, a dinner is organised the evening before the meeting in downtown Brussels so that members can meet and exchange information in an informal atmosphere. Please tick the relevant box on the registration form if you wish to join the group.
The registration fee is 300 EUR for TII members. It covers information session, lunch, refreshments and documentation.
If you would like to make use of our block booking of hotel rooms in Brussels, we encourage you to send your booking by Thursday 7 October (after which we will be obliged to release the rooms). More information may be found on the registration form.
14 October 2010: Close of registrations to take part in the Brussels Group meeting.

To read more you must log in to your member's account.