TII Innovation Tool Fair
From 18 Nov 2010 to 19 Nov 2010
Location : Brussels
The next TII Innovation Tool Fair will be held on Friday 19 November in Brussels, in collaboration with TAKE IT UP, the promotional pillar of Europe INNOVA.
The Tool Fair will follow the format of one half day (morning of 19 November) of 5-minute presentations of innovation tools and services, followed by a half-day (afternoon of 19 November) of one-to-one meetings (speed dating) between the tool holders and interested adopters. The objective is that each participant goes home with a number of interesting new job tools which can be adopted or tested further.
For the first time all tool owners are invited to take part in the “Best Pitching Award”, which is managed by TAKE IT UP. This new initiative consists of a 1.5 hour webinar, face-to-face coaching on the afternoon prior to the Tool Fair, and, for the top three finalists, the opportunity to make a two-minute “video pitch” to promote their innovation tool or service at an international level through the TAKE IT UP Warehouse of Innovation Tools and Services (www.takeitup.eu).
Conditions for participation
Although priority will be given to tool developers involved in a Europe INNOVA project, all Innovation Service Providers across Europe are cordially invited to participate. Tool holders attend free of charge, while interested adopters are charged a participation fee of EUR 300 (EUR 150 for TII and EURADA members).
20 October 2010: Close of registrations to take part in the Best Pitsching Award.
17 November 2010: Close of registrations to take part in the Innovation Tool Fair (both tool presenters and potential adopters.
All members registering before 15 November will benefit from a EUR 50 discount and qualify for the participation fee of EUR 100.
m-Brussels Village, 44 rue des Palais, B-1040 Brussels. Click here to see how to get there.
You may book accommodation in a hotel close to the venue at the rate of EUR 99 for bed and breakfast (see the registration form). A group dinner will be organised for those attending the Fair on the evening of 18 November. Please let us know if you will join us on the registration form.
Please see attached programme for more detailed information.

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