TII Project Lab H2020 Meeting
03 Feb 2016
Location : Brussels, Belgium
The TII Project Lab is pleased to invite you to attend a new-concept H2020 Brussels meeting to stimulate partnership building and project development. Attendance is free of charge to all paid-up members of the association.
The meeting will run from 9.30 to 16.00 (lunch and refreshments provided) and will consist of two parts:
1) Roundtable discussions around 3-4 open calls for proposals animated by a group leader, with a view to forming a consortium and/or exploring the possibility of working together in the future. Participants will be invited to choose their preferred area(s) of interest when they sign up for the meeting.
2) Presentations by EC project officers (maximum 2) of areas of H2020 of interest to the largest number of participants.
A full programme is currently in preparation. Registration is open via the link on this web page.

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