Train-the-Trainers Event: Cultural Understanding for Business Expansion and Innovation
03 Jun 2019
Location : EASME - Covent Garden, Place Rogier 16, 1210 Brussels, Belgium
How can European SMEs stay competitive and innovative on the global market? Our response: by learning from emerging economies.
Internationalising SMEs often focus on developed markets, such as the United States or other European countries, because they offer both a big market to grow the business, but also a degree of the familiar. Growing SMEs into businesses with global reach also means reaching out to emerging economies. And here, the unfamiliar can feel bigger and the potential market more intimidating.
The CUBE IN project aim is to help EU SMEs understand the opportunities, the culture and prepare themselves to do business within emerging economies.
In this train-the-trainers event the partners of CUBE IN seek to demonstrate the power of culture and share the knowledge gathered throughout the project with intermediary organisations to help them support their client SMEs in their internationalisation efforts towards emerging markets.
Further information about the CUBE IN project can be found at at
The workshop is free of charge. Please consult the programme for further details.

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