TII is an international research commercialization hub where you can find a community of experts and a portfolio of services for
- Assisting your client companies to access new technologies, markets and funding
- Assisting your research teams with commercialization and exploitation issues
- Training your research teams on commercialization and exploitation issues
- Setting up/consolidating a knowledge transfer office / incubator / acceleration programme / regional innovation ecosystem / entrepreneurship awareness programme
- Internationalizing your research commercialization efforts (inward and outward technology transfer)
- Developing international collaborative projects (e.g. H2020)
My Commercialization Expert database
The TII community of experts is showcased in the My Commercialization Expert database.
You can search for an expert according to the kind of skill you require (e.g. internationalization, IPR protection & advice, investor readiness) and by sector of activity (e.g. renewables, security, healthcare). You are able to select the profiles of the experts that interest you (you have access also to their CV) and send them an introductory email. If you work with the expert on an assignment, you have the possibility to give him/her a satisfaction rating in the database on a scale of 1 to 5.
Research Commercialization Training
TII experts are available to carry out in-house training on research exploitation / commercialization issues for your research teams.
This is particularly important if they are working on Horizon 2020 or other collaborative projects where exploitation issues must be carefully considered in anticipation of the development of new research results. You can ask the TII secretariat to design you a tailor-made training programme and organize its delivery or you can identify the trainers of your choice by consulting the My Commercialization Expert database and clicking on the skill “Research exploitation training”.

Commercialization Collaboration Portfolio
TII members have extensive experience across the full spectrum of research commercialization services. TII can help you select a team of experts to assist you in a training and mentoring capacity with
- Setting up/consolidating a university knowledge transfer office
- Creating a science-based incubator, internationalization or acceleration programme
- Developing a regional innovation ecosystem, including a stakeholder mapping, joint vision and strategic plan
- Putting in place an entrepreneurship awareness programme, including business plan competition, entrepreneurship training course, proof of concept fund and ignition grant scheme
Please contact the TII secretariat to receive a tailor-made programme and budget.
Overseas Chapters
TII currently offers you privileged access to assistance with your international business development and commercialization projects through our TII chapters in China and Korea. You can find out more about these services - which range from introductions to companies and research providers which fit your profile to identifying industrial partners for joint projects - by clicking on the China Chapter and Korea Chapter on the TII home page.
Project Lab
The TII Project Lab brings you a monthly Tenders Alert bulletin by email which highlights EU calls for proposals and tenders with relevance to innovation support providers and research commercialization experts working at European level. The staff is also available to help you launch a partner search among the membership and give you advice on different aspects of your proposal preparation.